Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Work has finished at the Mairie!

We had a lovely card inviting us to the celebration the Mairie is holding now that the work is finished there; sadly, we can't attend [prior engagement that weekend].

[You may remember that Jean-Marie was overseeing that project, and some time last year when David last saw the lady at the Mairie she was rolling her eyes at how badly over-run the project was!  So it's gone on at least another 18 months; we had a note cancelling the quatorze juillet meal last year because of the late running work.]

I'm glad for the Commune that the renovations are finished, but it's giving me another small glow of schadenfreude that we weren't the only ones let down so badly by the project manager!

Which reminds me: Jean-Marie sent a mail asking for the .pdf of the Photobox album I'd compiled of phase 1a of the renovations at our house, as he was applying for another job.  I don't have it in .pdf form [Photobox have it stored somewhere in the ether accessible through their website, which is where I updated it after we finished phase 1b], but I don't feel kindly enough towards him to send him a copy even if I did.

He doesn't understand the hassle he caused, and for the sake of clients everywhere, I sincerely hope he doesn't find work soon.  Every time I hear people advised that they should have employed a project manager when they relate tales of building woes, I just think "and make it even worse!", and thank my lucky stars that part of our lives is well and truly over!

And well on its way to being forgotten.