Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Déjà vu...

Got a slightly weird message on the answermachine at 7.50am (had not heard the phone because I was in the loo!) from Karen; not really saying anything. As I had only just missed it, I called her back & got Miche (I didn't think it sounded like Karen) & said Karen had just left a message & I'd just missed the call. She said it was mum, she'd got kidney stones again, but she was alright. Apparently she'd felt she was getting a migraine yesterday, so they'd gone for a swim & she was fine after that (don't know if that was related or just a coincidence), and then she'd started feeling poorly about 2am, and at about 6am knocked on Miche's door. They called an ambulance and she's now in hospital. Karen couldn't find her phone (it was switched off and plugged into the charger) so Evelyn had lent her her mobile (which is why I got Miche when I called Karen)...

Miche said she's ok (well, as ok as you can be with kidney stones - I thought as she'd "got the t-shirt" she wouldn'd be doing that one again!). I sent a text to Evelyn's mobile from David's French mobile (still got some credit on it, and he's got my mobile as he's without a UK mobile at the moment - new job, but that's another post), saying I'd spoken to Miche & would talk to Karen later.

Another day of sitting by the phone, but I'm less panicky this time... So it's another case of:

Watch this space...

Oh, I forgot to mention, mum's in France!

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