Monday, February 23, 2009

We've hit a snag...

...No, I don't mean a sausage; I'd be happier if that was all that was wrong!

I mentioned that M. Huguenot was proving difficult to contact in an earlier post...

Well, today we found out why: he was declared bankrupt on 17th February! At least that's what the Mairie in Verpillers told M. Boyer off the record. [So it's probably true; the Mairies seem to know everything.]

I feel so sorry for him, but a part of me is cross that he didn't give us any warning. Realistically, I know, that's not likely - if you are in difficulties the last thing you want to do is tell people (who will then chose another firm to do the work).

David thinks we are a little ahead on the deal, which is some consolation: we will have to pay anyone that takes over the work a premium. Not to mention the extra time that M. Boyer will have to spend finding new builders.

I dread to think about what happens with the guarantee - I seem to remember that Dominique Drouot's work was not covered by his insurance because he hadn't finished, and so we hadn't signed the "reception" papers to say it was completed to our satisfaction.

Doesn't matter if you've been paying the bills, the insurers who are covering the company whilst they were doing the work don't want to know!

And any new builders are wary of taking on any responsibility for work they didn't do (as they do not know whether it was done properly, which may adversely affect their insurance)...

I don't envy M. Boyer this week!

A small glimmer of hope: M. Boyer has managed to contact M. Smail, who has started with a new employer today. We are hoping that if M. Smail states that the work was done properly, his new employers would be willing to finish this part of our job...

As far as we can remember, it's only digging (and then filling in when the pipes are in place) a couple of trenches, and a hole for the gas cistern.

Hopefully not too scary!

Please keep your fingers crossed for us.

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