Friday, February 18, 2011


David received a call yesterday from the really helpful lady at CVS - our tile samples have arrived, and she will hold them until we can go and check they are what we want.

We're thinking that in the 'grand scheme of things' a quick trip to look at wall tiles could prevent a much greater amount of hassle in a few weeks. Although M. Waeber assures us that tiles only normally take three to four weeks to arrive [obviously excluding if you want to order any around summer time; our last lot took about three months!], we really want to avoid the scenario where work is delayed because the tiles haven't arrived/been fitted yet.

That may not be a problem, but with the catalogue of excuses we've already had, we don't want our delay in choosing tiles to be a cause for any further procrastinating.

Obviously, if those tiles are OK all will be well! But we've seen too many badly printed tiles to make the decision based on a thumbnail in a catalogue, and if we need to find another alternative, that will take time...

So, we're hoping to squeeze in a visit in the near future.

We've also [finally!] made a decision on the bath; despite a (near) life-long desire for a ball & claw footed cast iron bath, we don't think there is enough room for it to look as elegant as it should. That, coupled with the fact that when I tried out several of the modern baths the angle of the ends is so steep that my chin is pushing into my sternum, mean that we've chosen comfort for long soaks over gorgeousness.

We've also chosen the more ugly-looking squarer-ended bath as a round-ended one in the hotel in Seefeld was pushing my shoulders in.

I'm a bit sad that we won't get the "dream" bath, but the whole point of having a bath is so that I can soak away the aches caused by too much gardening/d-i-y etc, and if the prettier-but-uncomfortable one is going to look shoe-horned into the space, it's not going to be the effect we would want anyway.

That also means I can have the wall mounted taps and will make cleaning so much easier; not to mention the storage we can fit under the bath - since moving from Brixton I miss the cubby hole to hide the spare loo rolls/shampoo/bleach etc, etc, etc!

I know getting a cupboard under the bath will be a struggle, but am hoping that it will be easier this time around without the project manager's reluctance to let us have what we want because it' not something he's done before!

Wow! Having finally made the decision, I feel quite relaxed.

I think I'm off to do one of Solara An-Ra's wonderful meditations!

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