Thursday, January 05, 2012

Happy New Year for 2012

I'm going to do a few [lots of?] posts to update, but for now it's just news about the Christmas cake...

It's absolutely fine - very moist, but not undercooked or soggy, so the decision to add extra liquid seems to have been the right one!

In fact, I will try and remember to do the same next year.

Yes, it's very different that most fruit cakes I've ever eaten, but I don't think that a deliciously-moist cake versus a dry one means that it's wrong!

All of the people offered a slice ate the whole thing, and most people offered a second helping took one [and I don't think I'm going to draw a negative conclusion from the refusal by our neighbour who's undergoing chemotherapy; she says her appetite has been affected, and didn't eat much of the other food].

Taking it to France in the cooking tin didn't seem to do it any harm, but we have now found a cake tin, so it all feels a lot better.

I'm posting the picture so you can make up your own mind about it, but unfortunately that can't tell you that it tastes nice!

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