Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm thinking of re-branding « Chez le Baron » ...

We put together a list of questions/concerns & points we wished to raise with the gentlemen we are going to meet for the project manager rôle; I never realised what "Sans Soucis" as a house name meant! Now I'm hoping to be in a position to re-name « Chez le Baron » to « Sans Soucis »!

I always thought the 'amusing' house names weren't particularly funny, and the more tortured the pun, the less hilarious I found them, but now I'm starting to see the charm! We didn't name the house « Chez le Baron » - that's what all the neighbours call it; M. Thaelle (I think that's his name; I must check) was known as « le Baron », so of course his house was « Chez le Baron »! It doesn't seem to matter that he's been dead for over 20 years; it seems he was such a character that the name will live on as long as any of the children who used to visit him are still alive. Of course in this time of heightened paranoia, no-one in their right minds would let their children go off to visit a strange man who lives on his own who likes children!! A sad loss, I think. But then I belong to a generation who walked to and from primary school either alone or with a friend...

Sorry, that's all a diversion from where I started! We compiled 3 pages (and it was only 3 because I made the margins really small!) of 'issues'. That includes the most minor, and points that we have verbally agreed with the builder, but are not written down. I do hope the gentlemen do not think we are massively nit-picky; we wanted to get the balance right with giving them all the information they might need, but we shall find out when we meet them...

I think the relief of having our trip all prepared for (and enough time to think of any points we may have forgotten, rather than rushing to take a list with us that we did just before leaving - like homework!), has left me bereft of stress; I've been sleeping much better! So much so that I'm frightened I might be turning into a dormouse!

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