Friday, August 10, 2007

A sign I'm getting middle-aged?

I no longer seem terribly interested in clothes - the last time I put any real effort into getting dressed (to the extent of trying on more than one outfit/trying things on in advance) was a lovely friend's wedding in late April.

Don't get me wrong, I do (sometimes) think about what I'm going to wear, but it's mostly track suits & t-shirts, so the decision is often: blue or grey (track suit)? And then: which one (choice of 3 in each colour)? Followed by: long-sleeve or short (t-shirt)? And: black, white or coloured?

The scary part of this is: I think I might be turning into my aunt!

It's bad enough when I'm frightened I'm turning into my mother.

Apparently, that's almost inevitable, but at least mostly she looks OK.

I love my aunt to bits, but when she's working in the garden she looks like she shops from jumble-sale rejects!

The outfit that got me thinking was: €3 (from a supermarket) t-shirt (sleeveless, brown, meant to look like US Army surplus); £1 (off the market) long, baggy shorts (red/blue check seersucker, with a pattern dripped onto the front in bleach - I didn't do that!); blue (a different blue, of course!) socks that I bought 22 years ago when I went to college (so I really can't remember the cost, but think I may have had my money's worth!); dingy green gardening clogs (another cheap purchase, but again I can't remember how much).

I believe I may have topped it all of with my cricket sixes souvenir hat (the cheap flimsy ones they sell to people who want memorabilia/forget their expensive "proper" hat) from the mid 1990s!

And then yesterday I was sitting in the kitchen feeling really lucky to have the sort of husband who doesn't mind me sitting eating lunch in my boiler suit & wellies!

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