Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know it's a bit late for wishing you a 'happy new year', but I've been offline since my computer died before Christmas, so this is my first chance...

Happy rest of the year!

A very kind person installed Windows XP [no-one was still running Windows 2000, so they couldn't just copy & replace my corrupted file; I've been dragged (screaming & kicking?) into the 21st Century], and the first thing I installed was my photo software.

[NOT the useless Samsung package ("now copy the files and paste to a folder"; I think not), but the lovely Casio PhotoLoader that will upload anything, and Picasa, for really easy scrolling & finding.]

But then I loused it all up by installing my firewall/anti-virus...

I'd [inadvertantly, obviously!] set the thing to run permanently, so that slowed it down to a speed that would have shamed a snail! [Have you seen those little b***ers heading for your hostas?!]

Thanks, again, person-who-I-shall-not-name (non-work stuff may have been done on work time...)!

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