Sunday, June 07, 2009


Finally got to take back possession of our house [that reminds me: change locks!] on Friday evening - a lovely feeling that there will be no more workmen for a while!

Not true, of course!

There are a few bit & bobs left to attend to (the HUGE pile of soil in the field, for a start), but nothing to prevent us moving in...

We slept here last night, and are starting to wind down now.

Sadly, David has already left for Paris and onward to London. :-(

And we've had our first visitor!

Alasdhair popped down for lunch (and breakfast as it turned out), and has kindly taken David back with him to Paris (saving David having to leave at 10.30 to catch his train).

Alasdhair really noticed all the changes (he hasn't seen it since we had the loo taken out of the kitchen!), and we'll invite him down again when David's on holiday - should be even nicer then!

Have done more washing up that I normally do in a month, but it's a wonderful thought that we don't have to put everything away again at the end of the summer!

We've got the standard 'English summer' weather (mixed, but predominantly rainy!), but I'm hoping it cheers up soon.

Either way, I'm loving being here.

Will take some photos on a beautiful sunny day & post them then.

Kind regards, and thank you for your interest,


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