Saturday, July 18, 2009


It's good to be back in the countryside; I know I can see squirrels & foxes in Brixton much more easily than if we lived in the country, but somehow that doesn't equate to the exhilaration of nearly treading on a hare!!

On my walks I have spotted so many hares I've lost count, and plenty of deer and buzzards.

I'm getting pretty blasé [surely that should be "blasée"?!] about the wonderful wildlife I am seeing; I can now even drive past orchids without stopping to take photos.

Unless it's one that is new to me, of course!

But I still got a thrill out of seeing a vixen with her two cubs playing in the verge one evening, and seeing a nearly-mature cub scooting across the road another evening.

Somehow, the sight of truly wild foxes (rather than urban ones) was much more exciting than even the close-ups I get of the fox that visits our garden.

David tells local people that we have seen hares; but it's like telling Londoners that you have seen pigeons - they can't quite see what the fuss is about, and can't imagine never having seen one till you get into your forties.

I've even had the local fauna dropping in on me! One afternoon I heard 'cheeping' sounds coming from the flue in the kitchen, and thought the sound was carrying from the roof or chimney pot; but it was awfully loud. I went upstairs, but it was much quieter there, so assumed that the flue was acting like a "speaking tube", and just hoped that whatever was on the chimney hadn't nested there.

Luckily it was a warm dry day, so I had all the doors and windows open...

Which saved a LOT of bother when a fledgling redstart dropped through the opening! He didn't seem fazed by this at all; I admit to being a bit startled.

A few moments to gather his wits sitting on my furniture, then he hopped to the window sill and before I could grab my camera he was off!

Have had to chase plenty of butterflies out of the house (and one out of the car; that was a bit distracting as I was driving!), but we came too late for the swallows to act as squatters!

[They come in looking for a place to nest; last year I could tell from the way they went quiet that they had flown into the house, & spent many minutes "herding" them out - I love birds, but they keep different hours than I do, and unlike Irish jaunting car horses, I can't put nappies on them!]

I also saw a linnet (a name that had dropped from my memory till I was trying to identify this tiny little bird we'd seen); it reminded me of the ornamental finches that people keep in cages, and obviously it's the same family!

Now I shall be humming My Old Man Said Follow the Van for the rest of the day!!

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