Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Not even sure if that's a word [well, actually pretty sure it isn't!], but let's pretend it is.

Apart from handling neurotoxins (that's what biocides are), the main downside to my activities seems to be the, ahem, reactivation of some dormant odours...

Someone in the past has had a kitty that sprayed the furniture!

I've met people who can live with that kind of smell (visit their homes and you KNOW), but it drives me potty - first I keep sniffing, in case I can pretend the stink is fictitious, and if I think it's fresh [more than once I've had cats come into the flat & spray - ooh yuck!], I'm there with my biological washing powder (I used to keep a box specially!) , and...

And I've forgotten the other thing to use!

I'm sure the enzymes in the bio washing powder break down something-or-other, and I can't remember why I needed the second (now forgotten) ingredient, so I'm resorting to searching the web for answers (very amusing, but not always helpful!) as I'd only had to clean paintwork before, and don't want to start scrubbing antique furniture.

Also hoping that as the solvent in the Xylophène seems to have "re-awoken" the smell it will go away again and the furniture cleaner that David just bought will deal with any lingering traces...

One time when I almost wish for the good old days before all noxious products became "low odour".

Oh and how I missed the good old-fashioned gloss that smelled and covered so much better when I was painting the flat!

To be fair, I'd probably use leaded paint if I could find it - the doors in the bedroom date back to 1850 (and it seems to be the original paint) - it's taken a year of builders in the house to damage the finish!

OK, OK, health & safety, but that stuff must have been GOOD!

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