Monday, October 05, 2009

I caved...

Awww! "Hard" image shattered; boo

After a couple of nights when it went down to 4ºC outside (11ºC inside; in the room with the fire) I was contemplating turning on the central heating...

  • It would be warm! Ordinarily, I wouldn't care, I've got lots of warm-making activities to be getting on with, but I'm feeling a bit below par, and have allowed myself to be persuaded to take another day off;
  • I would have to close the doors & windows (so wouldn't be sitting in an increasingly cold draught);
  • It wouldn't be cold;
  • Did I mention it would be warm?!
  • I would feel like a wuss for not waiting till the temperature was in single figures!
  • I haven't read the instruction manual (despite David chasing Schwartz many, many times after they promised to supply one in English). Which wouldn't matter, except for:
  • I haven't a clue what the buttons on the control panel mean!
  • I would have to keep the doors & windows closed (so wouldn't be having fresh air circulating to dry the insulation out)

Well, having woken up for the second day feeling quite ropey and not up to doing much (with the exception of going to saw some more fire-wood; I'm going to combat the weakness in my limbs for that worthwhile venture!), I let David talk me into turning the heating on.

His rationale was that I may have picked up a bug (I think it might be a chill from sitting in a cold draught!) - normally I don't get ill just from sitting in a cold house, otherwise I'd have been quite poorly 2 years ago!

But I think I'm still winding down after all our property-related "excitement"...

And if one kind friend is to be believed, these things can take ages to get over: he said his sister took a couple of years to fully recover from her house building experience!

I'm hoping it will wear off faster than that, but am also plotting an afternoon in front of the fire with an Agatha Christie (always solace in times of 'wobbliness')...

Just as soon as I've sawn some more fire-wood!

Ahhh! 15º, no "wind chill" - I'm feeling better already!

Perhaps I'm up to hefting the axe...

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