Sunday, November 01, 2009

No longer running on adrenaline...

And boy, can I feel it!

I'm determinedly making the most of having nothing to do - which is lucky, as I'm not up for doing much...

I am sleeping, taking some exercise & getting fresh air, but not a lot else.

Oh, and the odd bit of 'scrumping'!

"Leftovers" - the grape harvest this year was pretty good, so there are lots of grapes left on the vines [the vignerons only pick up to their quota, and leave the rest]; after an extra month and a few frosts, these are much sweeter than when they are harvested, but very messy!

I've also eaten quite a lot of sloes [yay, that makes me feel tough: ask anyone who's eaten a sloe if they can eat a couple of dozen and still be smiling!], beech masts, a few apples, damsons and tiny peaches - gifts from neighbours or found in the hedgerows; nice time of year.

I've seen a red squirrel, a praying mantis, unexpectedly driven through Troyes [David's train was held up there, so I went to fetch him: got lost twice and asked for help from non-drunks at midnight; now can't imagine doing that (safely) in English cities from what I read!], ordered some logs to be delivered [for when we (should) get our woodburning stove the week after next], and seen installed the telephone control for our central heating.

Sadly, I'm not feeling terribly communicative at the moment, so I'll wish any readers well until I'm back to my usual self.

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