Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Thankfully, it wasn't my fail!

The stories of plenty of contenders for the Darwin Awards on Learn From My Fail [#LFMF] suddenly made me stop and think: "Oh, I could end up writing about this on a Cheezburger website!", and then, "if I keep all my limbs/digits" and "as long as I don't bleed to death in the meantime".

It was as though a light bulb came on above my head: when you're so tired that it takes both hands to push in the 'release' button to start the chainsaw, it's probably time to call it a day!

We had a damson tree come down in the Xynthia storm, and it was in the middle of the hay meadow, so needed removing before the grass starts growing.

David wanted to save some of the seedlings, so was digging holes & transplanting seedlings.

[Once the grass grows we'd never have found them again, and then they would have got mown off with the hay.]

So I got to have first go with the chainsaw not fixed to the saw-horse, [David got to have a go later], and I started cutting off the branches & one of the trunks...

Well, thankfully, my belief that you never learn from other people's mistakes was superseded by an incredibly strong desire to avoid being in the news because my shaking arms had given way before the cut-off switch on the chainsaw kicked in!

The tree got moved anyway & I acted sensibly [rather than persevering to the bitter end], so a fantastic outcome.

I may not be as strong as I'm feeling, but the grey stuff between my ears seems to be working better!!

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