Sunday, May 26, 2013

The world didn't end*

Not that you'd know it from my silence!

I've had another winter of being unable to summon up the energy for posting/keeping in touch with friends.  I have been reasonably active [going to the gym/swimming/for walks], but haven't coped with 'mental' challenges.

I was so happy when the sun finally came out - just in time for both old shoulder injuries to reduce me to a heap of inability [now both are on the mend, thanks to Stephen my new acupuncture guru], aided and abetted by the wrist problem [seeing a specialist on Thursday, so hoping for some answers shortly thereafter].  Just starting to feel like getting "up & at 'em", when both David & I succumbed to the chest lurgy.  That laid me so low I couldn't do a thing; which was great because I finally rested all upper limb joints [no choice!], and am currently free from pain [which has made me realise that I was in constant low level pain with exacerbation, rather than (as I thought) intermittent discomfort].

Long & short of it, I'm taking it slowly [obviously until I have a need to go at it like a bull at a gate - adrenalin is a fantastic pain-suppressor!], and as David is managing a lie-in on this lovely sunny day, I'm catching up with some posting.

* The "Mayan prophecy" may [or may not] have had the world ending on 21.12.2012

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