Monday, May 27, 2013

Wall [with logs]

We had a delivery of logs just before Christmas, which prompted us to finally finish cleaning the wall in the barn - I'd done about two thirds of it a couple of years ago, but the rest was hidden by timber, stones and other builders' detritus.  Now all of that has been taken to the dump or found a more permanent home, so there was just a few rotten beams to remove and get the steam cleaner out.
David did the rest of it, and it looks great - just need to saw up and stack some logs!
The new logs are much lighter in weight - we don't know what they are; they are great, and burn really well, but don't last anywhere near as long as the oak logs.  I think we're going to try to get deliveries of both sorts, if we can manage that without offending anyone!
We used a couple of pallets to create a flat platform [makes stacking them easier, and will hopefully discourage rodents from making a home under the pile?].
We've got it almost right - when the pile is empty, I'm going to move the pallets a little to the right so there is a perfect bin-sized space immediately to the left, which will free up the concrete slab again [it's very useful for putting our little "bar" table to use as a stand for cooking outdoors - neither David nor I like the smell of meat or fish hanging around for hours after a meal, and this place is perfect: under cover and with a power socket on the wooden pillar (L of photo)].

Now we just need a 'barbecue summer'!

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