Friday, November 08, 2013

Dreams coming true!

I haven't been posting much [the repeated infections in my ganglion scar and then the crippling shoulder pains that came back because I was protecting the operation site have meant I've been trying to limit my computer use; I feel I'm on the mend now and the need to sort my photos has become overwhelming, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed not to aggravate whatever's happening with my shoulders], but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of posting...

Two things:

Firstly, we finally sorted out the pile of stuff upstairs in the salon d'été, and can now use it as a... d'été - ta dah!

It felt great, even though we had to pack it all away again almost immediately, but we know that next year we are in a great position to set it up quickly and easily (which should guarantee a cold spell), and really enjoy the space as we intended when we bought the house nine years ago.

[The intention is to post photos later, when I've sorted out the jumble of months' of photos in three cameras...]

Secondly, the garden is now tidy enough that we can garden (for the most part) in a leisurely fashion.

OK, so sometimes I have a mad-dash to get on top of the weeds, but mostly it's a case of see a weed, remove it rather than "HALP!", and that feels great.  We have managed to move a few plants, are trying to create "coloured" sections of garden, and have tidied the edge and put down lumps of tufa to demarcate the drive better.

Again, I have the best of intentions with regard to posting photos [vide supra].

Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm going to Hell with all my good intentions, but seriously, as long as my shoulders hold up I want to get my digital clutter de-cluttered!

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