Friday, August 09, 2013

Wall finished!

[For now, at least; I may try some white spirit/cellulose thinner/WD40/specialist cleaner recommended on the internet - not sure, and I can always come back to it.]
"Before" [notice also "before" for floor!]
I think it looks a whole heap better - still room for improvement, but I'm happy to leave it for now [and go and bathe; yucky-feeling skin]
"After" [or maybe "during", if I use a solvent]
Now all that's left to do is have fun seeing how long David takes to notice.

My best guess is that it will be some time on the 21 or 22 of August - when he's back in the office catching up with his emails [might even be 19, as he's working from home that day].  I think I'm pretty safe in betting he won't 'spot the difference' before he reads the automated email he gets for my posts!

I have to admit to doing all the female sneakinesses in my power to hide my activities [tidying, cleaning, and putting things back as they were before!], and also that my sneakiness is in a different league to his when I'm waiting to see how long it takes him to notice a thing is different - did I mention the haircut that left it 9 or 10" shorter that took [I think] over a week to become 'visible'?  And that's something he looks at every day...

After two years of changing the knobs on the bedside tables [and repeatedly "looking for nicer ones" in various shops] I did tell him about that one.

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