Monday, August 05, 2013

Seriously, Crocs?! Seriously?

I’m sitting here wearing bright green ‘clown shoes’, reading the warning tag that had been attached to them, and wondering “why escalator safety?” and “why not using-a-chair-instead-of-a-stepladder danger?” or even “hazard of crushing mockery for wearing clown shoes?”.  I’m mystified why that particular potential for harm merits a tag being printed off and attached to my new shoes, and no other.

Seriously, though, I have bought my first pair of Crocs [as opposed to “mock crocs” (Shoezone was out of their “2 for £8” offerings in either of our sizes, so we forked out £19.99 for each pair – 30% off – at Sports Direct); I own plenty of those] and so far I love them. Having a pretty high tolerance for put-downs [try growing up with my relatives and not developing a thicker skin!], I think I’m going to love them.

I own Croc winter shoes [no holes, removable fleecy linings], and boots [the only things I can wear (apart from Wellingtons) that don’t give me heel blisters] and plenty of other mule-type shoes, but this is the first time I’ve succumbed to genuine Crocs' “crocs”.

We shall see whether they last any longer, or withstand the really sharp stones on the farm tracks any better, than the cheapo alternatives, and that will dictate whether this is the first pair of many or the last.

As an aside: I’m typing away and, distracted by the ‘chattering’; I glanced at the window to see two black shapes flying in front of the bars – cue yelling at the swallows to “get out!” and “stay away!” – clearly time for another brood [and the weather here seems to have been wet – lush growth, so I suspect lots of yummy caterpillars/grubs to feed the babies on, so it would be great timing], and they frequently investigate the house for nesting sites if I don’t warn them off quickly enough.

It’s wonderful having them nesting here, but I’d prefer that they stick to the barn, and if it came to it they would too – our shutter-closing habits don’t work well with their late-evening-snack-gathering routine and they poo everywhere!

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