Thursday, August 08, 2013

David tidying upstairs...

Maria untidying upstairs!
Nice seating area
David had moved most of the tools and clutter from the front wall in the grenier, and vacuumed the floor so that we could set out a table & chairs and our 'comfy' chairs whilst the weather was so hot - I don't mind the heat upstairs, but downstairs is so well insulated that it just builds and builds if we have the shutters open when it's baking.

Outside: 36C, upstairs 28C and downstairs 23C and gloomy [shutters are great for keeping out the heat/cold, but also keep out the light].  So warm enough, but not as furnace-like as sitting in the sun!
Tidy/clean floor
Well David's off to Spa at the moment on a couple of track days, so I've been left to my own devices.

The only problem with having comfy chairs upstairs and relaxing, is seeing the tar from where the builders removed the old chimney to make room for the flue for the wood-burning stove...

I think I mentioned that David had moved most of the tools, but he didn't hide my little blue metal tool box well enough to stop me finding my 'heavy' implements; I can't currently handle the big lump hammer, and my wide-bladed cold chisel seems to be off on it's holidays, but I managed to make a start.
Should I have been doing this so soon after wrist surgery?

I don't know, but neither the surgeon nor the hand therapist said "don't start wielding lump hammers/cold chisels", so I'm guessing the answer has to be "yes"!

I only managed an hour and a half, and am being sensible, but it feels great to have made an improvement on the eyesore and I must be building up strength in the joints, no?

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