Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Just got an email from David

He's had M. Mekki on the phone this morning; apparently Jean-Marie has been calling M. Mekki and been quite aggressive wanting to know when they will correct the errors to the plaster boarding [that J-M never noticed till David emailed him].

M. Mekki just wanted reassuring, I think, that we were still good-to-go with Plan A [the plumber, plaquiste and David & I getting together, when the weather's better, to sort this out].

I feel quite sorry for him that he's taken the flack; we are still waiting for a response from J-M to David's mail [to see what he's got to say for himself] before 'officially' stating that we want him to stop causing us any more problems.

M. Mekki asked how I was, so I've just pinged a quick mail wishing him a Happy New Year, and saying I was looking forward to working with him later in the spring when we finish this bit off. I hope I've managed to reassure him that I'm happy with SMS!

Part of me feels a bit petty that we haven't just emailed J-M direct to say: 'butt out; stop causing us problems', but the other part is so fed up of the lack of communication (and being the only person to spot problems) and wants him to have a 'taste of his own medicine' and find out what it feels like to be messed around. Not great to feel like that, but we both think that to give J-M a chance to take better action is what we need to do...

He's blown it already, of course, but he'd have found that out if he had the courtesy to respond to an email sent over a week ago!

Not sure if I should post this, but someone (who shall remain nameless) said our project manager was behaving "chien" - the dictionary translates it as bloody-minded or nasty, so it's not as bad as it sounds in English - that's really strong coming from someone I've never heard say a bad word about him before [although there have been a few 'looks']!

I'm not expecting any action, but will post when I next have anything to report...

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