Monday, July 18, 2011

Tiler here; working as I type!

I thought we'd got a false start this morning when M. Waeber showed up...

To tell David that he couldn't come till this afternoon.

But he did show up, and is now working. We hope that we're going to have better spaced joints in the bathroom; the middle of the bath and shower taps are going to be mid-tile (rather than at the joints), but that should remove the need for slivers of tiles in any corners...

We solved the mystery of why he'd done the other tiles the way he had: he was making sure the borders matched perfectly! A very French thing to do, it seems to us: a four inch wide [very "busy" looking pattern] looks 'right', but sadly the less-than-an-inch sliver in the corner of the shower for the remaining eight foot height of wall looks [to us] 'wrong'.

So, in the bathroom, we are going to [hopefully] have 'wrong' borders, but 'right' rest of the walls...

Fingers crossed!

I'm just so happy that he hadn't started without us all being able to talk it through, but I'm going to be even happier if he manages to make it look [to my eyes] 'right'.

After the weekend [did I mention my 23 hour 40 minute day as we moved house on Saturday/Sunday before driving down to France], I'm now ready for a holiday!

So I may or may not post about progress...

[Needless to say, the expected plumber has not materialised!]

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