Friday, July 08, 2011


M. Waeber says he's coming on the 18th of July...

Almost believe him, but am waiting for proof!

On the upside, if he blows us out again, my cousin has a colleague/employee [can't remember which] who apparently is a brilliant tiler, is willing to travel and Grant [cousin] reckons he could do the work in one day!!!

Haven't mentioned that fact to M. Waeber, but it's up my sleeve for a "rainy day"; we do NOT want to be like the Bogés who have waited two years for him.

Not gonna happen, and if Grant's colleague/employee [delete as appropriate] is as good as he says, we might even get a better job done?

Now all I need to do is tactfully insist that he does an "English" job [joints sited unobtrusively] rather than finishing to the French standard [joints offset by an inch for emphasis that "we thumb our noses at you English and your fussy ways" or slivers of tiles in corners to draw the eye].

However, having waited since early April (and having a standby lined up), the tactful bit may get left off if he brings any attitude with him.

Please keep your fingers crossed that I can "do fluffy" [Hi, Karen!]...

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