Thursday, November 24, 2011

Study photos

We've come a long way!  It's good to look at the photos, as that reminds me how far we've come in the last few months.
OK, so we've still got a bit of a way to go, but who cares?  The over-mantle [hidden behind the table] is just too large to go above the fireplace in the entrance hall, and is too heavy to be stored upstairs (but that doesn't mean we won't try when we have more time!), so will just have to stay there for a while.
There are books hidden behind the bookcase, but I do have a plan for those: we have an IKEA bookcase that needs some shelves, so we just need to buy some planks of wood, and then that will be assembled in the entrance hall.

But the main thing is that we have a clean, tidy space containing a sofa-bed: we can welcome visitors!

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