Thursday, November 17, 2011

Too good not to share!

Alongside my glass of something fizzy (and David's glass of something-else fizzy: dark brown, if you're interested [whereas mine is a pale gold]; Thomas Becket Brune de Bourgogne), we are having some crisps, and are delighted to be able to tell you that a gaping hole in the knowledge-base of humanity has been filled!

Our crisps now come with instructions; finally, we will be able to eat them properly!

[I think this post may end up containing a ridiculous number of exclamation marks, but I feel that this would be justified.]

Apparently, crisps [chips, if you are from North America or the Antipodes] can be enjoyed as a snack as well as accompanying a meal.

[Wow!  Using a favourite internet phrase: "/sarcasm" - you can probably work out what I mean!]

OK, we may differ in our opinions of whether crisps constitute an adequate side-order [personally, I would rather have a salad or chips (American/Antipodean: French fries) or even vegetables], but I'm guessing that I'm not the only person out there who didn't realise that if you are serving them as an accompaniment to a meal they should be re-heated for two to three minutes in a low oven.

"They" [Carrefour] advise against using a microwave oven.

Also good to know: should you not be greedy enough to finish your crisps [we're hungry people; we worked hard today], they can be stored in a cool, dry environment, but be sure to close the packet securely.

I'm currently debating with myself whether my grandmother [rest her soul] needs a lesson on sucking eggs...

[/sarcasm, again!]

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