Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

We had a reminder of “Old” France the other day – we overtook an old gentleman (in very faded “bleus” & beret) on his Mobylette (itself a rarity these days) pulling a trailer.

I’m sure there are EU laws against that sort of thing! But it was a heartwarming reminder of times gone by in this lovely country.

The “New” France seems well illustrated by my neighbours: after a lot of shouting, one of the children dragged the bin down the drive to the road (50m? 75m?). More shouting, and then the mum drove down to the bin and dumped three (pretty light – I’d have got more than that in one!) sacks of recycling.

I thought she was on her way out somewhere, and was dropping off the bags on her way, but no, she turned round and drove back to the house! They usually wait for the father to visit to get the bin back (he drags it by holding the handle whilst driving up to the house).

Makes me wonder whether I should get the car out to take my compost to the snail pit?

The only problem is the car is in the barn, and I’d have to walk nearly to the snail pits to get it!

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