Wednesday, September 29, 2010

HR: read this first!

I did occur to me just that if I was applying for jobs and anyone looked at this blog, I might not get an interview...

All that tells you is the people making the decisions who to interview/deciding the selection criteria would have got it wrong.

An ability to focus on the minutiae as long as necessary (before stepping back to look at the bigger picture) coupled with an eye for spotting something slightly out of the usual (with a view to investigating), separating things out into their component parts [however unnatural that may seem to system users], taking each step as it comes and changing tack as necessary, credible documentation of events (both planned-for and unexpected), together with a highly-developed (if at times slightly left of mainstream) sense of humour, I believe perfectly describes who you'd want working with/for you on your project.

[Forgot to add: can work alone or as part of a team!!! *wink*]

On paper: no chance. In real life: I'm getting stuff done where other people sometimes fail!

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