Thursday, September 30, 2010


Jean-Marie showed up for a (very brief) meeting today.

The long and the short of it is that we need the plumber to finish his bit.

He's ill again, and I don't know how quickly he's going to get better this time...

There is a meeting due to happen tomorrow or Saturday, which will hopefully iron things out, but at the moment the disturbed sleep is giving me "energy issues", so I haven't got it within me to get too worked up either way.

Either work is finished when I go back to London, or it isn't.

Either way, we won't/can't use the bedroom till it warms up next year, so I'm past caring just at the moment; dull, murky weather doesn't make me dash about achieving things at the best of times, and just now we are NOT in the best of times.

This, too, shall pass.

So I'll just play the waiting game, and pretend I'm being zen!

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