Monday, October 04, 2010

Freudian slips

Oh, dear, I've boobed...

And I'm hoping the BT-Broadband-freezing-up-thing has saved me from an even worse one!

After a few days of ignoring all communication from T+B in my inbox, I've been going through them this morning whilst waiting for M. Torelli to show up [who isn't going to, at least not this week; an email just before lunch says he's coming next week], and I was doing them in reverse order.

So I saw the one saying that at the meeting on Saturday M. Torelli said he couldn't alter the plumbing and therefore we would have to go with re-doing the wall by the shower, before I saw the one they sent on Thursday [i.e. two days before Jean-Marie saw M. Torelli], showing the proposed new layout of the wall by the shower...

Hm! I was wondering how much effort they'd put into trying to pursuade M. Torelli to do what he should have done in the first place, and that J-M is getting paid to make sure he does.

Dashed a quick mail off to David saying:
Interesting to note that this was sent two days BEFORE his meeting with M. Torelli, at which point he decides to go with the attached...!

I don't suppose he even mentioned it to M. Torelli!

I think this needs a reply pointing out that he really can't have made any kind of effort to talk M. Torelli into doing what he should have done in the first place and we really are NOT impressed. What do you reckon?
Only I didn't send it to David, I hit reply instead! I've since sent one saying I'd sent it as a mistake, and David would respond to the original mail earlier, but I'm not impressed with myself. I hope they're not curious enough to ask Nathalie (their daughter) what it says...

But even more I'm hoping that the cracker of a response to their mail asking for us to give them a recommendation didn't go [again, I intended to forward the mail to David, so it's all in English]:

Having just got up to speed with all the other emails [this was the last one I read], I would be DELIGHTED for them to give our name as reference, so that we could prevent some other poor English people having to go through what we have!!

When he linked to their email, I nearly dashed one straight off saying "DO NOT TOUCH THIS COMPANY WITH A BARGEPOLE".

I think it may be more politic to say we are insufficiently happy with how work has been carried out to give them a reference? That doesn't mean we can't email V***** separately!

Can't believe he thinks we'd want to recommend them?!??!

[Am going to put the exclamation marks to bed now].

OK, nothing I'm not thinking, and nothing I won't be prepared to put my hand up to if they received it, but as I say I'd REALLY rather that the occasional mail-fail that seemed to happen actually did happen.

[It's not showing up in my 'sent items' box, but that doesn't always mean a thing hasn't gone].

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it really did jam, but I don't want you to keep yours crossed for me; I don't deserve that. But I do hope that when we finally get around to telling them a few 'home truths' we can do so in a less offensive manner.

[When I want to be offensive, I put effort into that! But when I'm just "venting", I don't want people to 'hear' - I'd rather formulate my ideas into an ice-cold quietly-voiced speech than have someone catching me in full rant.]

*Now chastened*

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