Thursday, May 03, 2007

April visit 2

Obsession with temperature?

This time at the house the temperature had only dropped to -1°C inside. And it had been as warm as 23°C! Downstairs was much colder than upstairs (and, until we get the shutters fixed up there, downstairs is where we stay), so we spent as much time as possible with the doors and windows open, to try to warm it up. I think we managed to get it to about 11 or 12°C in the few days we were there, but it was nice to go outside and warm up! In fact, outside was so lovely and warm that I decided to stay on for an extra week… OK, then, honest reason: there were so many weeds that I couldn’t face the thought of leaving them to grow for another 5 or 6 weeks before being able to tackle them, and it wasn’t cold enough to be put off staying! ;-)

Apparently, this year again we are going to have the prevailing wind as a North wind. There’s one day of the year that dictates wind direction (some time after Easter, I think) and it was a Northerly then. I’d rather not, given the choice, but managed to cope last year. And at least it cools you down when you’ve got hot in the garden!

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