Thursday, May 03, 2007

April visit 9


I spoke with my cousin, who warned me away from long grass (we’d only got a few clumps of grass, most of them small, in the garden) because there’s a plague of ticks at the moment. Just thinking about them got me itching! And when I came upon a couple of tussocks of longer grass I could virtually feel the little buggers on me. I’m guessing the absence of “passengers” means that it was all in my mind, but it did keep me out of the field. Not that I had time to do anything there, but I did want to cut the long grass down by the hazel trees (and maybe coppice them, but I think I ought to read up on that before starting…), and tidy under the walnuts, so it’s not such a panic in September and we can reasonably ask M. Lorin to collect the nuts for us.

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