Thursday, April 21, 2011

A minor issue

The new shutters look lovely - and are going to be great for privacy/keeping out light/keeping warmth in/out - but there's a problem with folding them back: I think that when they are closed the hinges are in the right place, but completely open the middle hinge is stressing the shutter outwards.

I was starting to wonder how they were going to fix it (or whether it's just one of those things that you have to live with), but M. Baty reckons there's nothing to worry about, and I'm reminding myself that the reason we are paying him so much money is for his skill and expertise; he will fix it somehow and I don't have to try and work out how that will be done.

Everyone has stopped for lunch now, so I'm just relaxing in the warmth [did I mention it was a beautiful day, again?], and as for the proud stonework by the chassis David said he wanted to be more in charge of things, so I'm letting him!

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