Sunday, April 17, 2011

One swallow does not a summer make...

Nor one fine day.

So, I think we can agree with Aristotle that to assume summer was starting would be counting our chickens... [Why am I feeling guilty? Mixing my maxims to the max; ouch!]

But, as we've had more than one swallow, and today seems to be the start of the shouting-at-them-to-make-them-leave-the-house season, I'm guessing that they are preparing to nest. Which tells me they think there will be enough insects to feed a brood, and that it will be warm enough to produce sufficient insects for the duration of filling those hungry little mouths.

The redstart the other day was only foiled in his (her?) attempts to come in and make himself at home by the fact that I'd left the rear window to the kitchen closed; it may be 30°C in the courtyard, but the air is still decidedly "fresh".

Bees also investigating crevices for breeding purposes.

Either way, I really am off this time to enjoy the warmth!

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