Saturday, August 27, 2011

Feeling guilty over being sneaky

I told my beloved husband a "lie by omission" if there is such a thing: I said I was probably going to have a bath, and if he called I might be in it, knowing that I might be round at the gîte, more like!

And now I'm feeling guilty about not mentioning it; there's no sinister intent, but I love him finding out things from reading my blog!

And I want him to be proud of me for going out on my own without him there as backup translator; that's a massive step forward for me, and I didn't want to become a wreck thinking about it and talking about it. Sometimes keeping a secret can make you stronger...

Not always, obviously, and it depends what you are hiding, but I'm hoping I am forgiven for trying to be more confident around French people when I don't have him as my safety net.

Speaking of which, I'm currently trying to psych myself up to going to the market!

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