Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good news

Obviously I have to check it out, but I've just had Claire and Marianne here, and was showing them the bedroom and bathroom [which they think are lovely], and saying that we needed to wait for the plastering to be done before the room will be finished...

They reckon that with the placo, you only need to sand down the plaster covering the joints/screw holes and apply a coat of undercoat and then you can paint or paper it straight away.

Marianne said she's helped Loïc and Guinelle do just that in their homes.

I do hope that's so in our case! [I'm currently having a horror that we have "special" plasterboard that needs plastering before it can be painted...]

I'm not sure who to ask, but I'll find someone.

The general feeling is that plasterboard no longer needs to be plastered, and that Jean-Marie was probably just looking to line his pockets further...

So it looks as though most of the finishing is in my capability.


And I think I would regain some of my enthusiasm for decorating if it was to finish off our home for us, rather than to make a place attractive for sale or rent.

I'm sure David has mentioned some lime-based paint that goes straight onto plasterboard...

*Goes off, muttering to self, to look things up on t'internet*

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