Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It really can't make up its mind

That's assuming, of course, that weather can have a mind!

We seem to have gone from 'summer starting' to 'monsoon season' to 'feels like autumn', and now back to 'seems mostly summery'.

The downside of the torrential rain we've been having is that even when it is nice, the ground is so sodden that it makes working almost impossible. It's very unpleasant, and I know it's not good for the soil structure.

An upside: the little plants I've transplanted at the worst time of year to the worst situation I can put them in [in the gravel at the front of the house], all seem to be thriving!

And the other little plants I transplanted when I was here before and was having to water copiously have all (apart from one gap) survived brilliantly; for that I'm deeply grateful.

12°c at 10am, but the keys in the front doors were warm, and it's 24°c in the sun.

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