Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obviously, I haven't given irredeemable offence

Mme Claude just called by to see if David was here; I said he was coming this evening [Yippee!!]...

So she invited us (again) for apéritifs on Friday or Saturday. I said whichever is best for her, so we're due round at 6-ish on Saturday.

I'm glad she hasn't given up on me, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that within a month the house will be in a much better state, and I will feel like inviting people round.

I KNOW that most people don't care what state the place is in, but I care, and find it very difficult to relax when guests are in my home and it's a tip. That so rarely happens [place being a tip, and letting people in if it's not tidy], and I should probably be much more laid back, but to me having a beautifully presented home for my friends is a large part of how I demonstrate hospitality.

That, and nice food and/or drink [*delete as applicable]!

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