Friday, August 26, 2011

Flash-of-clarity moment

I was looking out of the door, at the rain, and musing why the evening primroses should all still be happily flowering...

When it occurred to me that they are crepuscular [come out with the failing light], and flower during the night, so that they are still blooming away means that today's light level hasn't achieved anything lighter than "dusk".

I'm not a botanist, but looking at the sky between the rain showers I'm prepared to believe that it could be evening; only shear bloody-mindedness is preventing me from switching on the light.

[Although thinking about my eyesight, I'm going to rectify that example of pig-headedness straight away!]

And if this seems an odd post [I still haven't figured out how to get Blogger to show the time posted as the time it is here], the four quarters for midday have just rung, and I'm waiting for the lunchtime Angelus; probably not going to get too much lighter than that?!

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