Monday, August 29, 2011

Plumber re-starting tomorrow?

We don't know, he might mail us at 6pm tomorrow to tell us he's not coming [he's done that before], or he might show up.

But, either way, when he does show, I'm not looking forward to it: we noticed (slowly, admittedly), that he's installed the exact type of shower tap we said we didn't want instead of one that matches the bath tap, and now I've discovered a crack in one of the wash basin columns.

It's on the side, and fairly narrow, but it's dark coloured and 4 or 5" long, so hardly invisible. I can believed that he didn't notice it whilst installing the basins, but having seen it, it's not OK that we pay an enormous amount of money for something that's already broken.

As I say, I'm not looking forward to dealing with him.

Hopefully he'll be OK, change the taps and column without complaint and all we'll have to contend with is yet another delay...

But sadly my experience of work in France leads me to expect that he'll be unreasonable, try to push us into accepting what we don't want/broken items and storm off in a huff!

Please keep your fingers crossed for me that it's the former scenario I am reporting on when he's next been, not the latter.

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