Thursday, June 24, 2010

6pm; 27 in the shade

Me [and the geraniums], I'm lovin' it!

AND my crabby mood's completely gone; I wish I could get sunshine on the NHS. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely not sun tolerant, but I love being warm [to the point where I feel warm "in my bones"].

Not sure of the temperature in the kitchen [the room we "live" in] as the hygrometer was in the coolest room (21.9°C), and it takes a while to climb...

Makes me wonder whether it is time to keep the shutters & windows closed during the day; this "super" insulation we have will keep any warmth in the house that we let in. Last summer, I resorted to only opening the shutters after midnight and closing them about 8am; it kept downstairs in the 20s, whereas I stopped working upstairs when it hit 34°C [forget which] - apparently that's my tolerance temperature for scrubbing walls & floors.

33°C; fine. 34°C; limp dish rag!

At least the humidity is dropping: it was 74% a couple of days ago, and is now down to 48% - not that I mind, but it makes working more likely to cause a heat rash.

Something else to think of: do the exercise DVD in the morning, while it's cool; it was fine just, but bordering on more of an effort. [Yes, I know that's the point, but there's a difference between already giving it 100% and struggling.]

I don't think I'm ready for "hot exercise" [or indeed "Bikram™" housework] yet!

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