Tuesday, June 22, 2010

And being quiet for lizards...

I've had the redstarts sit on the gatepost and peer in at me: mouths full of grubs, so they have finished nesting & brooding and are feeding their offspring? I've seen both birds, so I don't think the hen will still be sitting if she's out catching insects...

Either way, you have to be quiet when they are outside the house; they are even sneakier when they get into the house - as there is less of a ruckus than the swallows invariably make, it's trickier knowing when they are making themselves at home!

No less poop, though!

This afternoon I was enjoying watching the lizard who seems to live in the front step; fine as long as you don't want to get close enough to take a photo. I, of course, want to get close enough to take a photo!

Sitting very quietly meant he was willing to come most of the way out of his hole, but he wouldn't come out completely. But my favourite photo was the one of him eyeing me up!

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