Monday, June 14, 2010

Elderflower gin

I was running out of time to pick my elderflowers, so didn't have much time to research a recipe.

I reckoned that getting a batch made was more important than finding the "correct" way to do it and missing the (rapidly closing) 'window' of opportunity.
So it was out this morning to pick the best of the remaining heads flowering, as they were rapidly going to seed.

I ended up with about 32 (but it could have been 33) heads that I checked for insects and then cut the flowers off into a Le Parfait jar.
Again, going for the "let's get it done" theme (and totally lacking in finesse), I drowned them in gin!

Someone reckoned that they should be decanted after three days, but I'm going to try & follow Hank Shaw's (Hunter Angler Gardener Cook) advice & let it "rest in my cupboard until the berries from the plant it came from turn ripe".

If anyone remembers me making fruit liqueurs last autumn, and is wondering how they taste, the verdict is "Yum". David selflessly sampled four bottles of damson gin and two versions of quarante quatre (plus half-and-half mix of both versions), and declared we could offer any of them to our friends!

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