Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 8

Turns out all my worrying was for nothing!

The builders arrived this morning (just before the concrete mixer lorry), and when asked "what about the pipes in the bathroom floor" were not at all phased - "oh, we'll just shutter that bit off and do it later".


The concrete mixer driver was really skilful, and manoeuvred the arm into the stable & the tapis did the rest.

Not sure whether to think of it as a flying carpet or a magic carpet...

I think it was a bit of both?

Either way, I wish my dad could have lived to see one; I can remember the struggle with barrow-loads of concrete getting them from the mixer to the site before it went off when the lorry couldn't get close enough to where it was needed.

Alain says it will be dry tomorrow, so hopefully I will be able to get up the step-ladder and treat the woodwork before the carpenter gets here.

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