Sunday, June 20, 2010

Friday meeting, continued

Jean-Marie showed up at 9.50 - in plenty of time for the 10 o'clock meeting!

I'm a bit pissed off that we're always the last to know what's going on...

To say the least!

Anyway, the builders have laid the concrete wrong: there should have been insulation up to the sill, and they've made the sill too big, so we will get cold bridging...

When I overheard Jean-Marie saying to M. Mekki [whose given name is "Mad", which I thought lovely!], that he wasn't getting paid to draw those little plans that crop up on every building job it had me thinking "What HAVE we paid you for, then?", not a good way to have clients reacting to you when they've paid a huge amount of money up front!

I'm wondering why we are using a project manager when he's supposed to oversee so we don't get mistakes; that's NOT happening, & WE have to deal with our favourite artisan because T+B refuse to (are scared of him?)!

And when M. Torelli showed up [he really doesn't look well, and his tablets are giving him vertigo!], it came up again that T+B knew he'd had several incidences of bad health in the past.

Not his fault, and I'm not blaming him, but given the history we've had with workmen [including M. Th. Huguenot who T+B checked out - not noticing, somehow, that he'd registered for voluntary bankruptcy; what the heck were their checks?!], you'd think Jean-Marie would steer us clear of people with known problems.

Sorry, I know this has been a rant! I just am fed-up with avoidable problems provoking the shrugged shoulder reaction, and we're now of the opinion that it would work out better if we just did it ourselves (not to mention massively cheaper)!

Very short-sighted of them, too, because we're in a position we couldn't honestly recommend anyone use T+B as their project manager. I've managed to head off a lot of problems because I'm hyper-vigilant & have a pretty good idea of how a building project works, but someone without that experience - I dread to think what result they'd end up with.

So, sadly, this will be the end of a working relationship and we will be recommending people to look elsewhere should anyone ask us for a project manager!

And that does make me sad.

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