Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Making hay while the sun shines

Sorry, I just couldn't resist!

It was so foggy/misty this morning that I took a photo - intending to take an "after" shot when the sun had burnt off the mist. Well, I forgot to do that, but here's an "after" shot of a different kind:Jean-Luc is ill (with some sort of virus, I think), but someone very kindly took his place on the tractor this afternoon. Apparently the forecast is good out to Sunday; I'm guessing that's long enough to make the hay? In England it always seemed to take much longer than a few days, but I'm guessing the heat we get here vs. the humidity of a maritime climate makes a massive difference.

Fortunately, Jean-Luc comes and turns it with his tractor; I can remember helping dad to turn it by hand. By the time it's hot enough to dry the hay, it's hot enough to burn your gingery-blonde helpers! And it's arm-aching work; I'd much rather a nice man in a tractor does it!

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