Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Change of plan with the Xylophène: just because I can now scamper in a relatively-fearless manner up the ladder to the bit above the stable, it does NOT mean than I'm happy at the top of the steps treating the joists...

After half an hour (and four feet of progress), I took the decision that, as they haven't been munched away in the last 150 years, the joists will probably outlast David & me WITHOUT being treated for woodworm.

So I stopped that, but am doing the big beam that will be visible, and the woodwork above the door/window.

It needs three coats, and as the first coat took 1 hour 45 minutes I'm having my lunch break then will start again.

I reckon that by the time I've finished the second coat, I will be able to start again at the beginning which will allow the hour between coats suggested.

Part of me feels a complete wuss, but the greater part thinks "well done, not HAVING to do every last thing to perfection, IS making progress".

Tomorrow the carpenter starts work to replace the floor upstairs, and as part of that he is reinforcing the joists, so he will spot if any of them are bad enough to come out.

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