Friday, June 11, 2010

Update since my last post...

Hmmm, I haven't felt much like updating this blog with progress - mainly because it hasn't felt as though there has been much progress.

Hasn't stopped the bills, though!

The project managers are not covering themselves in glory - delays at their end have pushed the start date from beginning April to Monday of this week [7 June], and we've had a couple of days where they've needed our urgent response to fairly massive issues by lunchtime...

Hmmm [again], let me get this correct: you've sat on this for over a month, and now we have less than three hours to look at it, make a decision and get back to you?

Bearing in mind that France is an hour ahead, and the French are still pretty 'religious' about stopping for lunch at midday EXACTLY, and the urgency is caused by back to back holidays for best part of a month. I'm not happy!

AND then when we do get back to them with a very detailed list of comments and points to absolutely include/don't mention, they just go and ignore it!

Anyway, we've started now, and as far as we have good news, Jean-Marie's telling us to deal with the joiner will save us their fee on nearly a quarter of the budget!

Haven't mentioned that yet... [Probably a 2-month delay on passing that bit of information on?]

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