Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ooh ooh ooh!

Sorry, [*using grown-up voice*] "Day 9".

I always think being the in bathroom [or in this case the "powder room"] has a hastening effect on that phone call you are waiting for, or the expected visitors; works for me - get in a bath, wet hair, doorbell goes.

Well, today it worked fine! I was just debating how late is late in French etiquette [it's a French word, right, so they must have SOME etiquette about turning up?!], when I needed to dash to the loo...

OK, OK, I'll admit, TMI!

But after a week of waiting, it's lovely to hear a van rolling into the front yard. That's what it sounded like, so I hurried [as soon as I could!] to investigate.

Hurrah! Carpenters!

And I was just going to make them some coffee when another Hurrah! Plumbers!

To add to the excitement, farmers! [But they're more reliable/self-motivated, somehow.] Still, the place was packed out with vehicles.

Obviously that shopping plan needs to be re-thunk!

Car-in-barn; hmmm! I could say it was my cynicism led me to not get the car out & park it somewhere convenient, but in truth it was lack of forethought; oops.

Still, I'd rather have a yard full of vans & not be able to go shopping than no vans & shopping-till-I-drop. [People who know me might know I will happily pay people to do my shopping for me, if they are kind enough! Ocado would still be on my "Favourites" list if they didn't always choose things ON their sell-by date.]

ETA: I'm just off to eat those words!

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