Thursday, June 24, 2010

Things I am noticing...

Having workmen in vs living alone:

Not an exhaustive list, I'm sure!
  • A long forgotten skill re-emerges: I'm learning to make coffee, again
  • NOT going to investigate every noise I hear; workmen also keep away nesting swallows!
  • Being amazed at people doing messy jobs wearing white [and I mean white] t-shirts. After getting on for thirty years of doing my own (and other people's) laundry, I would not consider working in anything that wasn't already "previously loved". Supermarket t-shirts are so cheap, that I only justify buying mine at the charity shop as preventing landfill/re-using things that aren't yet totally worn out. Reduce, re-use, recycle; although when I've finished with a top it becomes as duster, as that's all it's fit for.
  • Mess. Sure, I make my own mess, but I'm "expecting" that, as I was there when it happened!
  • I'm also getting better at closing the loo door and locking it; perhaps when you live solo your standards slip? [Seriously doubt that - I'm used to the kind of people that have a pee with the door open so they can continue chatting!]
  • Not being able to just lock up the house & leave: if workmen need access, I either need to be here or I need to give them keys. At Ormonde Court I think we're spoilt: Steve & Lee will let anyone in/lock up behind them if they know someone's working at the flat
  • Other people's music; when the neighbours decide to have a professional sound system & play REALLY LOUD music not to my taste I'm justified in being irritated... Can't complain when the noise-makers are working for you - not that I mind, but listening to French radio reminds a person why so few French records top the charts outside the country!
  • Having something to blog about!

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