Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 18

Yes, day 18!

Poor M. Jalel & his colleagues get to spend (at least some of) their Saturday working. He sounded OK about it yesterday [I think having all work finished, and whatever bonuses might be forthcoming, before the August break makes them happier], but it's not the work ethic we've come to know an 'love'!

35 hours weeks aren't popular among most of the people we've chatted with; sounds great in principle, but very often translates as "no overtime pay" for the workers, and everyone else has huge delays as work falls behind.

Anyway, speaking of work falling behind, M. Jalel says the bathroom ceiling can go up, and they will just unscrew a panel of plasterboard next Friday for M. Torelli to add in the extra waste pipes that got forgotten.

Fingers crossed.

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